
  1. Type of Business?
  2. What is the purpose of your site?  Advertising, scheduling, etc.  
  3. Do you have a business plan?
  4. Logo Do you have a logo, I can recommend someone to do it, if you don’t.
  5. About You. Tell me about yourself, how did you arrive at your choice of business.  What qualifications do you have?  What do you want to do for your customers? 
  6. Payment Options. Do you want to accept payments on your site? 
  7. Email Options.  I will set you up with an email to match your domain name. Do you want it as a forward to another email or to the website server?  Do you want to do an autoresponder?
  8. Scheduling Options.  Do you want to do scheduling from your website?
  9. Blogging.  Do you want to do a blog?
  10. I need a portrait of the owner for the About Me page.
  11. Need 4 pictures of the business. 

Let’s build you a website!

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